Παντρεύεται η Αντέλ

Η Αντέλ ετοιμάζει γάμο μακριά από τα φώτα της δημοσιότητας!

Σύμφωνα με to Life & Style, η Αντέλ (Adele) ήθελε να παντρευτεί πριν γεννήσει αλλά τα σχέδιά της άλλαξαν. Παρόλαυτα ζει τον καλύτερο χρόνο της ζωής της,αφου εκτος από το Γκράμι και το Οσκαρ, το 2012 της χάρισε ένα γιο, τον Άντζελο (Angelo) και πλέον είναι έτοιμη να παντρευτεί τον αγαπημένο της Σάιμον Κονέκι (Simon Konecki).

Όπως αποκάλυψε ένας φίλος της στο US Weekly εδώ και λίγο καιρό η 24χρονη τραγουδίστρια ετοιμάζει κάτω από άκρα μυστικότητα τον γάμο της. Η Αντέλ δεν θέλει εκείνη η μέρα να γίνει πρώτο θέμα στον Τύπο της showbiz και κάνει τα πάντα για να κρατήσει μακριά τους παπαράτσι.

«Όπως φαίνεται ο γάμος θα γίνει το καλοκαίρι ή το φθινόπωρο. Κανείς δεν ξέρει, παρά μόνο η Αντέλ» είπε η πηγή και συμπλήρωσε: «Ο Σάιμον είναι ο καλύτερος σύντροφος και ο Άντζελο όλη της η ζωή».

Adele planning secret wedding?

Adele is reportedly planning a secret wedding to Simon Konecki.

The 24-year-old singer currently resides in Brighton, England with her 38-year-old businessman partner and their five-month-old son whose rumoured name is Angelo.

The musician has been relatively quiet about her relationship with Simon and could be walking up the aisle with him without publicly announcing a date.

"She's been planning it for a while and is very involved," a source told Us Weekly magazine. "Simon is the perfect partner and Angelo is just her life.”

The Grammy-winning star’s ceremony is rumoured to take place in summer or autumn and will most likely be at her home, according to another insider.

Adele has been with her partner for over a year, and met him while getting involved with his charity, Drop4Drop, which provides access to clean water for people all over the globe.

She relocated from hometown London to the beachside city in order for him to be near his young daughter from a previous marriage.

While Adele works on a follow-up to her album 21, she has apparently gone as far as deciding on a wedding dress designer for her family’s big day.

Adele sparked speculation they had secretly tied the knot after she was spotted sporting what appeared to be a wedding band.

Adele was seen with a gold ring on her ring finger while out in London in July.

According to Life & Style, Adele was keen to tie the knot before welcoming the new arrival.

Adele planning secret wedding?

Adele is reportedly planning a secret wedding to Simon Konecki.

The 24-year-old singer currently resides in Brighton, England with her 38-year-old businessman partner and their five-month-old son whose rumoured name is Angelo.

The musician has been relatively quiet about her relationship with Simon and could be walking up the aisle with him without publicly announcing a date.

"She's been planning it for a while and is very involved," a source told Us Weekly magazine. "Simon is the perfect partner and Angelo is just her life.”

The Grammy-winning star’s ceremony is rumoured to take place in summer or autumn and will most likely be at her home, according to another insider.

Adele has been with her partner for over a year, and met him while getting involved with his charity, Drop4Drop, which provides access to clean water for people all over the globe.

She relocated from hometown London to the beachside city in order for him to be near his young daughter from a previous marriage.

While Adele works on a follow-up to her album 21, she has apparently gone as far as deciding on a wedding dress designer for her family’s big day.

Adele sparked speculation they had secretly tied the knot after she was spotted sporting what appeared to be a wedding band.

Adele was seen with a gold ring on her ring finger while out in London in July.

According to Life & Style, Adele was keen to tie the knot before welcoming the new arrival.

H Αντέλ είναι με τον Σάιμον εδώ και ένα χρόνο, και γνωρίστηκαν όταν εκείνη ενδιαφέρθηκε για το φιλανθρωπικό το οργανισμό Drop4Drop, που παρέχει καθαρό νερό σε ανθρώπους σε όλο τον κόσμο.
